Vabariigi Presidendi tervitus Taizé aastavahetuse kohtumiseks Tallinnas 28.12.2024-01.01.2025
Head Taizé-noored!
Mul on väga hea meel, et olete eelolevaks aastavahetuseks kogunenud Tallinna, põhjapoolseimasse pealinna, kus Taizé aastavahetuse kohtumine on kunagi toimunud. Tänavune kohtumine kirjutatakse ajalikku ka sellega, et on suurim noorte kristlaste kokkutulek, mis Eestis on aset leidnud.
Kokkutuleku päevade moto – Usalduse palverännak – osundab sellele, millest tänases maailmas on sageli puudus ehk usaldusest inimeste, riikide ja rahvaste vahel. Teie, noored, saate väga oluliselt kaasa aidata sellele, et usaldust oleks tulevikus rohkem kui on täna. Usaldus on kõige alus. Seepärast on tähtis, et me sellest mitte üksnes ei räägi, vaid selle nimel igaüks vastavalt oma võimalustele ka tegutseme. Usaldusest kasvab ka enesekindlus ja julgus, mida on vaja nii lapsel, noorel kui täiskasvanul. Üksteist usaldades ja koos tegutsedes võime ka loota, et tuleviku Euroopa on teie nägu ja teie kujundatud. Ühtehoidev ja tugev.
Soovin, et lisaks kokkutuleku programmile leiate aega tutvuda ka Tallinna ja huviväärsustega, mida pakub kunagine hansalinn, mis on läbi aastasadade toonud kokku inimesi erinevatest ilmakaartest. Eesti on maailmas tuntud digiriigina ja ükssarvikute maana, kuid meil on siiski ka palju seda, mida oma silmaga näha ja oma käega katsuda.
Tere tulemast Tallinna, tere tulemast Eestisse!
Alar Karis
Eesti Vabariigi president
Dear Taizé youth!
I am delighted that you have gathered in Tallinn, the northernmost capital city ever to host a Taizé New Year’s meeting of young adults in Europe. This year’s
gathering will also go down in history as the largest gathering of young Christians ever held in Estonia.
The motto of the meeting – A Pilgrimage of Trust – refers to what is often lacking in today’s world, which is trust between people, countries and nations. You, young people, can make a significant contribution to ensuring that there is more trust in the future than there is today. Trust is the foundation of everything, so it is important that we not only talk about it, but also act on it,
everyone according to their possibilities. Trust also nurtures the self-confidence and courage that children, young people and adults need. By trusting each other and working together, we can also hope that the Europe of the future will have your face and be designed by you. And it will be united and strong.
In hope that in addition to the programme of the meeting, you will also find time to explore Tallinn and the attractions offered by the former Hanseatic city that has brought together people from different corners of the world over the centuries. Estonia is known in the world as a digital state and the land of
unicorns, but there are still many things we are yet to see and experience.
Welcome to Tallinn, welcome to Estonia!
Alar Karis
President of the Republic of Estonia